Heatiness Relief and Detoxifying Soup

Sale price$16

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Clears heatiness and detoxifies, postpartum prolactin.


  • 膨鱼腮 (Manta Ray Gill)
  • 无花果 (Dried Fig)
  • 海底椰 (Sea coconut)
  • 猫爪草 (Ternate Buttercup Root)
  • 蜜枣 (Honey Date)

食用方法 Cooking method:

Soak the manta ray gill in warm water for about 1 hours. Drain and add all soup ingredients, meat (vegetarians can use mushroom instead) and a few slices of ginger into a pot. Add 1.5l of water and bring to boil. Simmer over low heat for 90mins. Can add a little salt for seasoning.

温水泡膨鱼腮1小时左右,浸泡的水去掉后,把所有原料,肉类(素食者可用菇类代替) 和几片姜放入锅。加入1.5l 水,大火煮沸后,小火煮90分钟即可加盐调味食用

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