Warming the kidney and invigorating yang, helps with frequent urination, cold pain in waist and knee, liver and kidney insufficiency
温肾状阳, 尿频, 腰膝冷痛,肝肾不足
- 肉苁蓉 (Cistanche)
- 熟地 (Rehmannia)
- 菟丝子 (Cuscuta chinensis)
- 巴戟 (Morindae Officinalis)
- 锁阳 (Cynomorium songaricum)
- 杜仲 (Cortex Eucommiae)
- 蜜枣 (Honey Dates)
食用方法 Cooking method:
Place soup ingredients and meat(vegetarians can use mushroom instead) into a pot.
Add 1.5l of water and bring to boil. Simmer over low heat for 90mins. Can add a little salt for seasoning.
把所有原料和肉类(素食者可用菇类代替)放入锅。加入1.5l 水,大火煮沸后,小火煮90分钟即可加盐调味食用.